About Sleep Disorders

All children need a good night’s sleep, and lots of it; it’s not unusual for children to need 10 or 11 hours of sleep each night, and infants under a year may need over 12. Regular sleep is critical for growing children as they develop physically and mentally. Sleep is also the time when their bodies can heal and recover from illnesses and injuries. A child that doesn’t get enough sleep is at increased risk for many troubling effects; their attention and ability to learn might suffer, they might become injured more often and for longer, or their could even increase their risk for heart disease and obesity. Setting an early bedtime may not be enough to ensure that your child gets enough sleep though; conditions like sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome can hurt the quality of their sleep, and caffeine use, insomnia, and ADHD-type disorders can make it hard for them to fall asleep at all. Whether you’re the parent of a newborn who just won’t sleep, or the parent of a teenager who wants to stay out all night with their friends, taking steps to help them get enough sleep can set them up for success.


  Apnea, Other Sleep Disorders, Narcolepsy, Restless Legs Syndrome, Insomnia